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I am not only a mother of four distinctly variable and wonderful adult children but also three interesting step-children as well. I have four incredible grandsons and two beautiful bi-racial grand-daughters who I would loved to see more. My life experiences that coexist with deep seeded chronic depression and uncontrolled internal pain have caused me to reflect, ponder, wallow, and root out my own methods for Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening, and Revelation. You as a reader may be able to relate to my experiences or think I am a freak. Who knows? You may even become a mentor to me and others. The opportunities are endless.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lyric - She's My Baby Girl by Venus Pierson 11.20.15

She's My Baby Girl
He came sliding up the drive in a cloud of dust
We clambered out the door to se what's all the fuss
He's sporting his shades and a baseball cap
Desire in his eyes, flapping his jaws, feeding her lines
I know it sounds like crap
***He's come to date my baby girl
Once ribbons, bows and bouncing curls
she's my heart, my love, my reason to breathe
Now he's stealing her away oh I can't believe
This day would come
This child has grown into an exception, beautiful young woman
I just can't believe
This day would come
I can't hold back these tears
Washing my soul with fears
Who's this dude all dressed in black?
Neck to toe, so sleek
Minty fresh breath, straight teeth, but his hand shake is weak
Kohl eye line and modeled hair-do
Manicured hands, dewey glossed lips
Dose this Cosmo guy know just who is who?
***He's come to date my baby girl
Once ribbons, bows and bouncing curls
she's my heart, my love, my reason to breathe
Now he's stealing her away oh I can't believe
This day would come
This child has grown into an exception, beautiful young woman
I just can't believe
This day would come
I can't hold back these tears
Washing my soul with fears
What's that beat blasting from the high boy pick up truck?
Tight fittin' jeans, cowboy hat, WOW! Just my luck...
Chewing on licorice, red twizzlers, her favorite I'm sure he knows
All the little tricks to pull her in close
This cowboy has skills. His smile, his charm, back woods trails, and dirt paved hills
***He's come to date my baby girl
Once ribbons, bows and bouncing curls
she's my heart, my love, my reason to breathe
Now he's stealing her away oh I can't believe
This day would come
This child has grown into an exception, beautiful young woman
I just can't believe
This day would come
I can't hold back these tears
Washing my soul with fears
What's a mother to do to protect her priceless gift?
Put a smile on her face, pep-talk, advice, some emotional lift
for her baby girl
Now a dating young woman trying to take on the world
She's confident and strong; thinks she knows just where she belongs
But hidden dangers are everywhere
I am her mother, her protector
So I promise to be there
When she feels she needs a gentle touch
When she needs a hug or love from a mother is never too much
She's my baby girl
An exceptional woman now facing the world

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