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I am not only a mother of four distinctly variable and wonderful adult children but also three interesting step-children as well. I have four incredible grandsons and two beautiful bi-racial grand-daughters who I would loved to see more. My life experiences that coexist with deep seeded chronic depression and uncontrolled internal pain have caused me to reflect, ponder, wallow, and root out my own methods for Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening, and Revelation. You as a reader may be able to relate to my experiences or think I am a freak. Who knows? You may even become a mentor to me and others. The opportunities are endless.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Lyric - "Hated"

Lyric - “Hated” by Suneve 11.7.15

No one understands what I’m all about

I’ve cried through the night full of fear and doubt

Feeling all alone

Isolated on my bedroom floor

Why can’t anyone hear my cries?

When I’m screaming in my dreams

Stomping on the ground

Throwing my arms up into the skies!

Asking God “What did I do?”

I can’t handle this!

You’ve got to take this away!

This pain I have is so deep inside

I have no pride!

I’m nothing at ALL. I’m telling the world.

There’s nowhere to hide.

The despair is real

This is how I feel

I’m lost, I’m low

Empty and slow to feel alive

No happiness inside

I’m shaken and torn

From the violent storms

I call my life

Shattered hearts, faded memories

Missing persons of my family

Keepmy heart in chains and locks

Where time froze on clocks

Hypnotize me and take me to the past

Give me answers to free my soul at last

Can I fix those wounds

From the scars I made?

We all make mistakes that will ever last

People say you can’t live in the past

But I have loved ones there

I have damage to repair

I’m frightened. I’m scared

Most days I just don’t care

If the sun will rise

I’ve done my time

If it’s his plan to keep me here

I need to be brave and face these fears

Its my life to live day by day

With God’s grace and my humble prayer

The struggle is real

The struggle is mine

It’s a daily choice

To keep moving on

So let’s hit the road…

It’s a brand new day.


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