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I am not only a mother of four distinctly variable and wonderful adult children but also three interesting step-children as well. I have four incredible grandsons and two beautiful bi-racial grand-daughters who I would loved to see more. My life experiences that coexist with deep seeded chronic depression and uncontrolled internal pain have caused me to reflect, ponder, wallow, and root out my own methods for Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening, and Revelation. You as a reader may be able to relate to my experiences or think I am a freak. Who knows? You may even become a mentor to me and others. The opportunities are endless.

Sunday, February 20, 2022



Why do I do the things that I do?

And why do I bother to ask the reasons why?

Can't I just be happy about what the future brings

And let the past just slip on by?

That simple 3 letter word is full of trouble.

It's the plain and simple truth.

The answer comes in so many forms.

Will it be pain, will it be joy, will it be a lie?

Can I handle the truth?

What is why? 

What does it mean?

What am I asking? 

Why is a purpose or a reason it seams.

When excited, one might exclaim with deep indignation

or "Oh, that's absurd!"

or "Oh, you think so!" 

yes, why yes

Let's go? 

Maybe so

Why do I do the things that I do?

And why do I bother to ask the reasons why?

Can't I just be happy about what the future brings

Ad let the past just slip on by?

Holding onto yesterday keeps fear in my heart.

It's a choke hold on my emotions telling me "Don't even start."

And why oh why do I listen?

I don't understand.

How this 3 letter word keeps such a hold on me 

Like nobody else can

But now I wonder

Does it all really matter?

All this information I've collected in my heart of hearts

Sometimes why just took up all of my energy and precious time

When my knees should have dropped me to the ground

And eyes fixated toward the sky

All my why's turn to cries

like wings on doves

I let them fly

Let go of why

Finding my freedom

Living for Yeses now

Forward is the future

Even the smallest steps will get me there

I see happiness in letting go of yesterday

And all those why's that told me "No"

The new day is calling

The new dawn is here

How many yeses can deliver?

A new day is here

Me and My Mustang

As I wake up to the sunrise

A thought comes to my mind 

Let's take the old girl out and head out for a drive

I've got my comfy jeans on, and old T-shirt and my denim vest

I press down the throttle on the good old girl

Set the mirror down low

then we head on West

Where my old Mustang and I go nobody knows

I just throw my favorite music on

and let the wind blow

The old Mustang follows the roads to no mans lands

And my mind wanders to a million places 

Difficult to understand

How did we end up here?

What does it mean?

Is it anything at all?

Me and my old Mustang have time travelled

At one with the stars

In the dusty old desert and the canyon lands

Where the canyon lands blows

Where we are now

As my heart skips a beat nobody knows.

But we are not alone as lay on the hood of my Old Mustang

I gain perspective by the stars above

Those ancient familiar things

I see Orion, Venus, The dippers and The Milky Way

So vast and mesmerizing then a comet shoots by

As if to show me the way

Even the Earth sits on an axis

It's ok to live off kilter

perfection is ground zero in too many ways

Time to head on home girl

The ancients whisper to me 

And I feel the quiet solidarity

Me and my old Mustang

I tilt the rearview mirror down

See a trail of dust following us as we hit the road

A favorite song plays thumping on those speakers

Over the Mustang radio

I drum on the steering wheel 

And see the sun come up over the Mountain tops

Me and my old Mustang have enjoyed the ride

We don't plan to stop

Give me music and an open road

Let's see where it goes

Me and my old Mustang

She's like my best friend at times when I'm feeling alone

But I her her every stitch and faded patina

Even the scratches and dents

She knows mine too

We don't mind that's just how friendship is

Me and my old Mustang

What Remains

 So I dust off my makeup and see what remains...

I wake up and stumble to the bathroom mirror. 

I'm afraid that I don't know that woman anymore.

Who are those azure blue eyes looking curiously back at me today?

So I brush off and dust off the old version of myself.

I hear the beating of the drums. 

It's a new day, a new sound.

A new life to be found.

I head out to desert where the cactus is your friend.

The sand and wind scorch across your face,

Leaving you bare and raw is what remains.

And when I wake up and stumble to the mirror...

I'm afraid I don't know that woman anymore.

Who's are those azure blue eyes staring curiously back at me?

So I head out to the highest mountain tops. 

I cry out to the wolves and moonlight!

Please give me guidance and direction for the lost woman that I've become.

I've lost true North.

My direction needs some salvaging.

So I head out to the Oceanside 

And listen to what the water maidens whisper to me.

The crisp ocean waves break and fall all over me.

A baptism by Earth's own biology.

As if she say she is acknowledging me.

I see you now.

I wake up and stumble to the mirror and I wonder...

Do I recognize that Woman anymore?

Who's are those azure blue eyes looking curiously looking back at me?

She's not as lost now.

She's feeling safe now.

She's feeling whole again some how...

She dust of her makeup and saw what remains.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Love, What Have You Done 2 Me

Love, What have you done 2 me written by Venus Pierson

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
You four letter word so Enigmatic
So hard to describe the drama's Cinematic

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
You use to be Emotion full of satisfaction
Reduced to Plain Emoji's effort just a fraction

Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?
Oh Love! Was it just my imagination?
Oh Love! Fairy tale stories written for Heart Ache
Damn you Love! It's just another Heart Break
Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
Riddle me this, What makes you tick?
Your cryptic messages make me sick!

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
Violently I scream "I need you now!"
Silently you text "I don't know how"

Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?
Oh Love! I had so many dreams
Oh Love! Never a plan just a heart with wings
Oh Love! I'm damaged, I'm broken cant you see?
Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
I've searched Heaven and all the stars
I'm Your Venus, Where art thou Mars?

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
You're just a word
Love, Da Da Da
Love is so absurd!
Da Da Da

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye by Venus Pierson 
July 5th, 2019

Goodbye doesn't mean forever never
Severing the heart string tether
Two as One has not been a tie that binds
But rather the reverse has been the signs

Today I say Goodbye to what has become
Ugly yesterdays will now be today's full of sun
The falsehood of being in love
Will now allow for a friendship to rise above

Like fools we rushed into something so shallow
as passion dipped in lust nothing more hallowed
Bodies gave into the frantic motions
shortly lived withouth further emotion

There is so much more than physical lust
a union to be whole is soul, mind, body, and trust
When the foundations crumbles then falls
It is the soul beckoning The spirit it calls

Two cannot be one in all things such as this
When their liberties and opinions skip and miss
Lifestyles can blend in some certain occassions
But who is giving, who is taking, who is giving in

When someone's Joy has turned to sorrow
The Sun had faded to sadness for all tomorrows
It is to time to begrudgenly say Goodbye
No more false truths, no  more lies

Tonight I must tell you Goodbye
Tomorrow will still be Goodbye
No more will I live my life with any Lies
My own truth, no mask, no disguise

Tonight's Goodbye shall not be forever more
When pain from the truth don't leave you sore
Tomorrows Goodbye will not always make us sad
When we get back to a solid friendship will be had

Tonight I  must tell you Goodbye
Tomorrow will still be Goodbye
No more will I live my life with any Lies
My own truth, no mask, no disguise

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Saying Goodbye Again

Saying Goodbye Again by Suneve

Saying goodbye is never easy
Shattered hearts, empty promises, love lost in outer space
So many sunrises, so many sunsets shared together
Now lost energy only anger and pain to take it's place

Your presence in my life once held value
The strength, the comfort, the joy is now expired
You didn't learn my heart of hearts
To be cherished, to have your time, to be admired

The strokes of time did more than tick away
It showed the fractures in our thoughts and feelings
The pedestal you once placed me on
Broke and fell tumbling down to the earth careening

Only in my height of Glory
did you want to see my worth
But I am just as valuable now
As the day my Mother delivered me through Birth

When I question when did the love die
An array of days you randomly throw
There seems no way to pinpoint
When you decided to just let go

A broken woman is so much more than what you see
A Unicorn is still buried inside
A mystical, magical, loving blessed heart still beats
Simple nurturing will bring her back to feeling alive

Even though you left me alone and sad
Made me jealous, cheated, and forgot my face
I'm still a woman who hurts from neglect
And is torn apart from being in second place

And though you also left me homeless
No pennies to rub together
Saying goodbye again to you should leave me bitter
But I can't give you any more of my forever

So I will tell you once more goodbye
No more tears will fall over you again
As I rise once more from ashes
A phoenix with golden wings I begin

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Love Shouldn't Be a Prison

Love Shouldn't Be a Prison by Venus Pierson

 Written on 6.8.16 for my Amazing daughter Tiffanie Love

You're worth so much more
Than what you're fighting for
Your vision's blurred
From all of the hurt

You really can't hide
What I see inside
Because honestly dear
I've already faced those same fears

I can read the words you speak to me
As my child, a Mother can see
Never doubt your worth
You've been a QUEEN ever since birth

See yourself through your Mother's eyes
Dry those tears; look to the bright blue skies
Don't let fools shatter your dreams
Don't allow shadows to make you scream

You're strong and beautiful Child
Raise your head and show your style

Love shouldn't be a prison
Love shouldn't be hell
You owe no one anything
But honesty to yourself do tell

Be strong, Be brave
No others enslave
Never doubt or forget
There's never regret

Live your life being happy
Yes, you, not for others
The heart is deeper
Thank a place for special lovers

Your path is a familiar trail
And only time will tell
Are you wise beyond words
Will your heart continue to hurt?

I see you little girl
Starting life in this crazy world
My beautiful child
Make dreams come alive

A Mom just knows
As the night winds gently blow