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I am not only a mother of four distinctly variable and wonderful adult children but also three interesting step-children as well. I have four incredible grandsons and two beautiful bi-racial grand-daughters who I would loved to see more. My life experiences that coexist with deep seeded chronic depression and uncontrolled internal pain have caused me to reflect, ponder, wallow, and root out my own methods for Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening, and Revelation. You as a reader may be able to relate to my experiences or think I am a freak. Who knows? You may even become a mentor to me and others. The opportunities are endless.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Love, What Have You Done 2 Me

Love, What have you done 2 me written by Venus Pierson

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
You four letter word so Enigmatic
So hard to describe the drama's Cinematic

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
You use to be Emotion full of satisfaction
Reduced to Plain Emoji's effort just a fraction

Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?
Oh Love! Was it just my imagination?
Oh Love! Fairy tale stories written for Heart Ache
Damn you Love! It's just another Heart Break
Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
Riddle me this, What makes you tick?
Your cryptic messages make me sick!

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
Violently I scream "I need you now!"
Silently you text "I don't know how"

Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?
Oh Love! I had so many dreams
Oh Love! Never a plan just a heart with wings
Oh Love! I'm damaged, I'm broken cant you see?
Oh Love! What have you done 2 me?

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
I've searched Heaven and all the stars
I'm Your Venus, Where art thou Mars?

Love, Da Da Da
Love, Da Da Da
You're just a word
Love, Da Da Da
Love is so absurd!
Da Da Da

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye by Venus Pierson 
July 5th, 2019

Goodbye doesn't mean forever never
Severing the heart string tether
Two as One has not been a tie that binds
But rather the reverse has been the signs

Today I say Goodbye to what has become
Ugly yesterdays will now be today's full of sun
The falsehood of being in love
Will now allow for a friendship to rise above

Like fools we rushed into something so shallow
as passion dipped in lust nothing more hallowed
Bodies gave into the frantic motions
shortly lived withouth further emotion

There is so much more than physical lust
a union to be whole is soul, mind, body, and trust
When the foundations crumbles then falls
It is the soul beckoning The spirit it calls

Two cannot be one in all things such as this
When their liberties and opinions skip and miss
Lifestyles can blend in some certain occassions
But who is giving, who is taking, who is giving in

When someone's Joy has turned to sorrow
The Sun had faded to sadness for all tomorrows
It is to time to begrudgenly say Goodbye
No more false truths, no  more lies

Tonight I must tell you Goodbye
Tomorrow will still be Goodbye
No more will I live my life with any Lies
My own truth, no mask, no disguise

Tonight's Goodbye shall not be forever more
When pain from the truth don't leave you sore
Tomorrows Goodbye will not always make us sad
When we get back to a solid friendship will be had

Tonight I  must tell you Goodbye
Tomorrow will still be Goodbye
No more will I live my life with any Lies
My own truth, no mask, no disguise