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I am not only a mother of four distinctly variable and wonderful adult children but also three interesting step-children as well. I have four incredible grandsons and two beautiful bi-racial grand-daughters who I would loved to see more. My life experiences that coexist with deep seeded chronic depression and uncontrolled internal pain have caused me to reflect, ponder, wallow, and root out my own methods for Mental Health, Spiritual Awakening, and Revelation. You as a reader may be able to relate to my experiences or think I am a freak. Who knows? You may even become a mentor to me and others. The opportunities are endless.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Saying Goodbye Again

Saying Goodbye Again by Suneve

Saying goodbye is never easy
Shattered hearts, empty promises, love lost in outer space
So many sunrises, so many sunsets shared together
Now lost energy only anger and pain to take it's place

Your presence in my life once held value
The strength, the comfort, the joy is now expired
You didn't learn my heart of hearts
To be cherished, to have your time, to be admired

The strokes of time did more than tick away
It showed the fractures in our thoughts and feelings
The pedestal you once placed me on
Broke and fell tumbling down to the earth careening

Only in my height of Glory
did you want to see my worth
But I am just as valuable now
As the day my Mother delivered me through Birth

When I question when did the love die
An array of days you randomly throw
There seems no way to pinpoint
When you decided to just let go

A broken woman is so much more than what you see
A Unicorn is still buried inside
A mystical, magical, loving blessed heart still beats
Simple nurturing will bring her back to feeling alive

Even though you left me alone and sad
Made me jealous, cheated, and forgot my face
I'm still a woman who hurts from neglect
And is torn apart from being in second place

And though you also left me homeless
No pennies to rub together
Saying goodbye again to you should leave me bitter
But I can't give you any more of my forever

So I will tell you once more goodbye
No more tears will fall over you again
As I rise once more from ashes
A phoenix with golden wings I begin